Week 7 Writing Objectives

  • Name and describe the parts of a properly written performance objective.
  • Differentiate among the terms instructional goal, terminal objective, subordinate skill, subordinate objective, behavioral objective, performance objective, and instructional
  • Write a terminal objective that includes relevant information about the instructional context and/or the performance context.
  • Write performance objectives for skills that have been identified in an instructional analysis.
book Week at a glance

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book Read

Please read:
Chapter 6
Writing Performance Objectives

[Dick, Carey, & Carey (2009) pp 110-129]

activity Required Activities

Assignment 2 due:
document Analysis Report (due Feb 20) - Please Please review the assignment rubric posted in the course before attempting this assignment. The hierarchical analysis portion is worth half of the grade for Assignment 2. This is a substantial portion of the grade so pay close attention to that section (subskills and entry skills are required). Here is an example assignment and a MS Word template to fill out for this assignment.

watch Writing Performance Objectives (25.5 minutes, 57.6MB) download

? Supplementary Activities (optional)

link Mager's tips on Instructional Objectives

link Examples of Well-written Objectives

Verbs for: pdf Cognitive Domain, pdf Psychomotor Domain, pdf Affective Domain - Certainly you may used other verbs, these are provided here as support