Week 12 Formative Evaluation

  • Describe the purposes for and various stages of formative evaluation of instructor developed materials, instructor-selected materials, and instructor-presented instruction;
  • Describe the instruments used in a formative evaluation;
  • Develop an appropriate formative evaluation plan and construct instruments for a set of nstructional materials or an instructor presentation;
  • Collect data according to a formative evaluation plan for a given set of instructional materials or instructor presentation.
book Week at a glance

Please listen to this presentation

book Read

Please read:
Chapter 10 Designing and Conducting Formative Evaluations
[Dick, Carey, & Carey (2009) pp 256-293]

activity Required Activities

discussion Discussion 4 - Please consider the instructions below when posting to the discussion board (these are in the syllabus)

documentAssignment 5 due:Formative Evaluation Plan (Due April 3 10:00PM EST) - I decided to post-pone this assignment until April 3rd, in order to give you more time to work on it. This assignment will taked some time to complete, so please review the assignment details in the Blackboard Assignments area. Here are some materials to help you through this assignment:

pdf Example Formative Evaluation Plan
Word Phase table

presentation Designing and Conducting Formative Evaluations (15 minutes, 9MB) download

? Supplementary Activities (optional)

youtube Introduction to Instructional Design: Formative Evaluation

presentation Data Collection (~18 minutes, 46.2 MB) download - This presentation is one I developed for EDD 8006 Systems Analysis and Design, but it may help you build your data collection instruments that are a part of Assignment 5 (in the Appendix).

Rossett, A. (1987). pdf Writing Questionnaires and Surveys in Training needs assessment. (pp. 202-224). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.